John Conomos

Leftquote In the battle between world and you, back the world. Rightquote

Video Void: Australian Video Art
This anthology traces the progression of video art in Australia.

Published by Australian Scholarly Publishers, 2014

This timely and vibrantly illustrated anthology traces the progression of video art in Australia through essays from Matthew Perkins, Elena Galimberti, Anne Marsh, Stephen Jones, Jacqueline Millner, Darren Tofts, Daniel Palmer, Anne Marsh. Foreword by John Conomos.

from Australian Scholarly Publishers
Video Void

Relive: Media Art Histories (Leonardo Book Series)
Media archeological undertakings: Toward a Cartography of Australian Video Art and New Media.

Published by The MIT Press, 2013

‘Media archeological undertakings: Toward a Cartography of Australian Video Art and New Media.’ (book chapter). Sean Cubitt and Paul Thomas (editors). In Relive, leading historians of the media arts grapple with this dilemma: how can we speak of “new media” and at the same time write the histories of these arts?

from Amazon
from The MIT Press
Relive Media Art Histories

Brad Buckley, John Conomos
To accompany their Autumn 2013 exhibitions at the ACP

Published by Australian Centre for Photography, 2013

To accompany their Autumn 2013 exhibitions at the ACP – John Conomos’s The Spiral of Time and Brad Buckley’s The Slaughterhouse Project: Alignment and Boundaries (L’Origine du monde) and I wonder whether that’s Joanna Hiffernan with a Brazilian (revisited) – this major monograph has been published by the ACP, edited by the artists, and designed by Leanne Barnett of Campbell Barnett. The monograph comprises a foreword by Kon Gouriotis, an extended interview with the artists by Biljana Jancic and Alex Gawronski, and comprehensive contextual essays by Edward Colless, Brett Levine and A. Andreas Wansbrough, along with some 120 colour plates.

from Australian Centre for Photography

Ecologies of Invention
New questions about the nature, origins and processes of invention.

Published by Sydney University Press, 2013

Andy Dong, John Conomos and Brad Buckley (editors). Imagine the walls of a building letting in and circulating air – not the windows, the walls. This is what architect Doris Kim Sung has achieved in her work through the use of thermo-biometals – metals that curl and shift in response to sunlight and the weather – in the construction of buildings.

from Sydney University Press
Ecologies Of Invention

What Do Artists Know?
This third volume in the series is about the education of artists.

Published by Pennsylvania State University Press, 2012

‘What is the current state of thinking on the PhD by art practice’ (John Conomos, Brad Buckley: book chapter; James Elkins: editor). This third volume in the series, What Do Artists Know?, is about the education of artists.

from Amazon
from Pennsylvania State University Press

Kythera Conversations
Kythera and Antikythera conversations

Published by ARMEDIA, 2010

Somewhere Michel Serres, the French philosopher, speaks of how the speaking human voice is a narcotic of sorts that casts a spell over the speaker. I have always found out that this was the case with me. In my distant childhood I was, it seems, a chatterbox whose unceasing words would cast an invisible net over my surroundings in the vain hope that I could, I guess, capture my world and its transience.


Antikythera Conversations
Kythera and Antikythera conversations

Published by ARMEDIA, 2010

Somewhere Michel Serres, the French philosopher, speaks of how the speaking human voice is a narcotic of sorts that casts a spell over the speaker. I have always found out that this was the case with me. In my distant childhood I was, it seems, a chatterbox whose unceasing words would cast an invisible net [...]


Diasporas of Australian Cinema
The first volume to focus exclusively on diasporic hybridity and cultural diversity in Australian filmmaking over the past century.

Published by Intellect Ltd., 2009

Diasporas of Australian Cinema is the first volume to focus exclusively on diasporic hybridity and cultural diversity in Australian filmmaking over the past century. ‘Other Shorelines, or the Greek–Australian Cinema’.

from Amazon
from Intellect Ltd.

Rethinking the Contemporary Art School: the Artist, the PhD, and the Academy
Rethinking the Contemporary Art School examines the reasons for the art school and its continued existence.

Published by NSCAD University Press, 2009

Brad Buckley, John Conomos (editors)
Su Baker, Bruce Barber, Mikkel Bogh, Juli Carson, Edward Colless, Jay Coogan, Luc Courchesne, Sara Diamond, Lauren Ewing, Gary Pearson, Bill Seaman, Jeremy Welsh, Bruce Yonemoto.
Rethinking the Contemporary Art School examines the reasons for the art school and its continued existence, its role in society and what should be taught and learnt [...]

Rethinking the Contemporary Art School

Mutant Media
Essays on Cinema, Video Art and New Media

Published by Artspace & Power Publications, 2008

Mutant Media gathers together a selection of John Conomos’ essays across the years, tracking the
trajectory of his cinephilia since the 1960s, his ongoing interests in film criticism and theory, as well as his deep involvement in video art and new media since the 1980s.

from Amazon
from Artpace

Republics of Ideas (ed.)
Republicanism Culture Visual Arts

Published by Pluto Press & Artspace, 2001

Brad Buckley, John Conomos (editors)
Larissa Behrendt, Tim Bonyhady, Rex Butler, James Button, John Conomos, Mary Kalantzis, Joan Kerr, Jason Yet-sen Li, Humphrey McQueen, Jaqueline Millner, Catriona Moore, Peter Myers, Nikos Papastergiadis.
Republics of Ideas examines the social, political and cultural implications of an Australian republic in the context of the visual arts and new global economy. [...]

from Artpace